Nano and Networking!


I learned so much tonight! 

When I started this whole venture, I really had no idea what in the world I was doing.  I just knew that a) this shit works and b) the hemp industry will 100% be the next big thing in this country.  And I ain't trying to miss out on an opportunity to thrive in an industry I'm passionate about.  So I dove head freaking first.  And tonight was just reassurance that I'm doing the right thing.  That it's worth it every day, but it will definitely be WELL worth it in the future. That I just need to continue to trust the process and embrace the growing pains; the good and the bad. 

I met Khara Cartagena through my best friend.  He had been at an event with her and gave me her card.  When I reached out, she invited me to one of her businesses in Center City, The Velvet Lily, at 12th and Chestnut (check it out!) to chat.  I excitedly accepted as my friend had told me that she was going to be a great resource and has great products. 

Once I was at the shop, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Khara is also a manufacturer of CBD products and has an ENORMOUS wealth of knowledge.  Khara has worked in Private Equity in the Cannabis Space and for Keef Cola in Colorado.  She also has connections to multiple people across all boards; including cosmetic chemists, nuclear chemists, formulators, and multiple license holders in the United States, Canada, and even Columbia.  At this point, I'm stoked that she actually took the time to sit down with me!  Still having to work full time limits my ability to put 100% into this, so any chance I get to soak in some new info, I do.  (My next step is a convention in Colorado in October.  Those blogs should be fun!).

Khara broke down the Nano process for me, practically step by step.  And it. IS. FASCINATING!  I knew the basics... it's processed at a molecular level to minimize the compound for better absorption into the system.  But exactly how MUCH better it is, was what I didn't know.  Or at the very least, wasn't totally comprehending before now.  Not only did she break down what is necessary to create a product, but she also explained how labs are testing these products and how to read the lab results I'm receiving with my shipments. 

A few more facts I learned: 

  • Not only are we absorbing CBD through our skin, but the area around the base of our hair follicles have CB-1 and CB-2 receptors, which would explain why it so quickly activates and brings immediate relief when used topically. 
  • "Nano CBD" is known to be four times stronger than regular CBD.  With your general CBD, you end up only absorbing about 25-30% of the compound when all said and done.  And that's whether you vape, use the oil, eat an edible, etc.  With Nano, you're getting around 80%, if not more, depending on the particle size of the compound.  That could result in maybe using less of a dosage with a Nano product since you're getting the better potency. Basically, 200mg of a normal CBD product is the equivalent of a 50mg Nano product in dosage, but the 200mg are not as absorbable.  It's comparing apples to oranges.  Here is an analogy.  Imagine a basketball hoop.  Now imagine throwing a slightly over-sized basketball into the basket vs a pea. That's the difference a Nano product offers. 

Khara is super busy working on multiple patents and I've VERY excited about what she wants to introduce to the market.  I hope to start carrying some of her products soon!  Tonight was a success in my book, in more than one way.  I'm excited to continue learning about all the benefits CBD has to offer and I hope you will continue on this journey with me.  My hope is to help others get on a path to a more comfortable and happy life :) I'm excited to see what the future holds!  For all of us.  

Stay tuned! 

 You can check out Khara's sites here: